Nokia E71x Smart Phones - A Sleek and Sophisticated Profile

Nokia, being the world's number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries has unleashed a smartphone in E- series named Nokia E71x -- extremely sleek and messaging smartphone for business users.

AT&T releases Nokia E71x model offering a list of features, including 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a 3.2-megapixel camera in this sleekly model. Adding a high-quality construction, Nokia E71x has a built-in GPS with AT&T Navigator which can be used to know more about unknown routes and destinations.

Offering a QWERTY keyboard, broad multimedia and Web browsing support, Nokia E71x is the ideal companion for people who love easy messaging and connecting with their friends. The Nokia E71x also plays XM Radio catering with the stylish handset. Nokia E71x supports a wide range of applications like mail for Exchange syncs corporate email, contacts, calendar and tasks in real time, while Xpress Mail supports personal emails.

Nokia E71x also allows the users to store and listen to their favorite music through its music player and a memory card slot. Nokia, who continuously make impact over their mobile releases, have once again impressed the mobile users through this Nokia E71x Smart Phone unleashing it with a sleek design.

In an overall aspect, this Nokia E71x smartphone offers perfect mobile technologies with stylish design to complement our modern lifestyle. Moreover this mobile sets up the pace with huge impacts in the global markets which promotes itself as a strong competitor among the other smartphone manufacturers.

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posted by Compare House @ 9:09 PM


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